Applicable Versions: All

The DataPA installation package is an InstallShield Basic MSI package. As such, you can run it silently from a command line or batch file using the following command:

setup.exe /s /v""/qn""

s is for silent
v is to pass parameters to the Microsoft installer process msiexec.exe
qn specifies no interface

To install specific features silently, use the following command

setup.exe /s /v""/qn ADDLOCAL=Application,Reports,Developer""

s is for silent
v is to pass parameters to the Microsoft installer process msiexec.exe
qn specifies no interface
ADDLOCAL=Application,Reports,Developer specifies the Application, Reports and Developer features only should be installed.

To install silently for all users, suppressing any reboots, use the following command

setup.exe /s /v""/qn ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress""


s is for silent

v is to pass parameters to the Microsoft installer process msiexec.exe

qn specifies no interface

ALLUSERS=2 specifies to install for all users

REBOOT=ReallySuppress suppresses any reboots

To install silently for all users, suppressing any reboots and specifying a specific directory for the install, use the following command

setup.exe /s /v""/qn ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress INSTALLDIR=\""C:\Temp\DataPA OpenAnalytics\""""


s is for silent

v is to pass parameters to the Microsoft installer process msiexec.exe

qn specifies no interface

ALLUSERS=2 specifies to install for all users

REBOOT=ReallySuppress suppresses any reboots

INSTALLDIR=\""C:\Temp\DataPA OpenAnalytics\"" specifies the installation should be installed in the directory C:\Temp\DataPA OpenAnalytics.

There are a few special formatting rules that you need to follow when passing a parameter in this way. First, you need to place a backslash (\) in front of any quotation mark that resides within existing quotes. For example, the command line above contains the following: /v""/qn ALLUSERS=2 ADDLOCAL=Application,Reports INSTALLDIR=\""C:\Temp\DataPA OpenAnalytics\"""". Because the install path is a long path, you need to use quotes. However, since you need to have quotes around the complete argument, the command-line statement fails if you do not use the backslash in front of all internal quotes.

NB. If you do not have the appropriate access rights the install may fail. Similarly, if your machine does not have all prerequisites installed (specifically the correct .NET framework), and you suppress all reboots, your installation may not complete successfully.

The DataPA installation also includes some switches that allow you to prevent the installation of certain components on the client when deploying to a runtime environment. For more details see What is the minimum I need to install on a client that will run an application with the DataPA Reports and/or DataPA Dashboard embedded?

For a more detailed list of parameters that can be passed to the the setup file, see

For details on how to create a log file from the installation process, to identify why a silent installation fails, see How do I create a logfile of the DataPA installation?