Applicable Versions: 6.00.0001 Onwards

A complete install of DataPA OpenAnalytics requires 390MB of free disk space. If your machine does not already have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 or above installed, a further 4.5GB will be required to install this framework. 

DataPA OpenAnalytics requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2. This framework will be added to your system by the DataPA OpenAnalytics installer if not already installed. As such, the minimum requirements match those of the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 (for DataPA Enterprise, this requires Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or upwards, for the client applications, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 is required. 

We recommend using 64 bit and supported O/S's, any issues O/S versions that are out of support will investigated but fixes may not be possible. 

If you are going to install DataPA OpenAnalytics Enterprise components, Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Server) 7.0 or above with the relevant features to support an ASP.NET application (see "What features of IIS need to be installed for DataPA Enterprise?") is required on the target machine. We would recommend IIS8 and Windows Server 2012 or above as a platform if it is an option as this offers significant performance improvements over its predecessors. Although DataPA OpenAnalytics Enterprise will install and run on client operating systems (Windows 8.1/10 Anniversary Update), IIS on these machines is limited in functionality, so certain features such as collaboration will be disabled.

DataPA recommends that the minimum memory you should have on a server that is running DataPA OpenAnalytics Enterprise is 16GB.

When publishing large dashboards to DataPA OpenAnalytics Enterprise these can be set to auto refresh which involves them being loaded into memory. Also when users work with the dashboards using either the web portal or the mobile apps they will be loaded into memory by the web server as well. This means that when you have a number of larger dashboards in use then the amount of memory used on the server may be significant.

A rule of thumb is for each large dashboard published you should add an additional 1GB of RAM to the server. In addition another 1GB of RAM should be added for each large dashboard which is published and set to auto refresh.

If you consider an example where you have a 10 large dashboards published and 5 of those auto refresh. The table below shows how you would go about calculating how much memorywould need to be made available on the server running DataPA Enterprise.

Memory Type




Base memory

16 GB

Large dashboards published


1 GB

10 GB

Auto refresh dashboards published


1 GB

5 GB


31 GB

So 31GB of RAM would be recommended and you would round this up to the available multiple which in this case would be 32GB.